IVAEN Education aims to advance lives all over the world by leading a network of higher education institutions that educates students to become highly professional and responsible business leaders ready to drive the world of change and transformation.
All our higher education institutions focus on developing students’ personal, social, and professional potential in helping them acquire relevant knowledge, key skills, proficiencies, and mindsets through value-oriented learning, including equity, social justice, diversity, and inclusivity, to be incorporated into their leadership, communication, and management styles as they pave the way for the business of tomorrow as globally-minded, socially-aware business professionals.
We aspire to make global education more accessible and future-proof, with sustainable practices and business ethics embedded into state-of-the art curriculum. Our strive for excellence is recognized by numerous international accreditation bodies such as ASIC, ECBE, ACBSP. By increasing graduates’ chances of professional success, we contribute towards a brighter global economy and a stable future of business, led by high-impact social leaders.
We continue to share our expertise and knowledge through innovative, practical education programs, and strategic partnerships with select organizations and professionals, to ensure that our mission, goals and core values are actively and unceasingly accomplished.
Learn more about our impact:
IVAEN Education Institution in Spain Launches a Start-up Accelerator Program
Accelerator program for startups in Barcelona (global-business-school.org)
COVID Aftermath: Challenging but Exciting World of Work for GBSB Global Graduates
GBSB Global News: Employment Report 2020 (global-business-school.org)
Embracing Digitalization in Education
Business Year 2020: Embracing Digitalization at GBSB Global (global-business-school.org)